sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015

8° aula - "All of me"

Objetivo da aula: Compreender o significado das palavras por meio de dedução; Interpretação textual; Trabalhar o listening e o trabalho em equipe através do GAME.

Habilidade: Dedução das palavras de língua estrangeira e o Listening.

Agrupamento: Misturando os alunos com séries diversas.

Video: sobre Londres

Preparação para a próxima aula: Vídeo sobre a Tailândia para nos prepararmos para receber os intercambistas Tailandeses

Conhecendo um pouco de Londres: Video


Durante o processo de compreensão de um texto escrito em língua estrangeira, você deve procurar entender as palavras desconhecidas no contexto em que estão sendo utilizadas. Sendo assim, devemos considerar:
1.        o assunto do texto;
2.        tudo aquilo que você já sabe sobre o assunto (por outras fontes);
3.        as partes do texto que você já entendeu;
4.        as palavras e frases vizinhas.

Algumas certezas:
Todo texto conterá:
1.        30 a 40% de palavras cognatas;
2.        repetição de idéias e palavras;
3.        o próprio “discurso” do autor “conduzindo” à compreensão.

Exercicio 1 - All Of Me

What would I do without your smart mouth  _________________________________________________________________
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out        _________________________________________________________________
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down_______________________________________________________
What’s going on in that beautiful mind______________________________________________________________________
I’m on your magical mystery ride__________________________________________________________________________
And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright____________________________________________________

My head’s under water_______________________________________________________________
But I’m breathing fine________________________________________________________________
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind____________________________________________________

‘Cause all of me_________________________________________________________________
Loves all of you_________________________________________________________________
Love your curves and all your edges_________________________________________________________________
All your perfect imperfections______________________________________________________________________
Give your all to me______________________________________________________________________________
I’ll give my all to you____________________________________________________________________________
You’re my end and my beginning___________________________________________________________________
Even when I lose I’m winning______________________________________________________________________
‘Cause I give you all, all of me_____________________________________________________________________
And you give me all, all of you_____________________________________________________________________

How many times do I have to tell you________________________________________________________________
Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too_________________________________________________________
The world is beating you down, I’m around through every mood__________________________________________
You’re my downfall, you’re my muse_______________________________________________________________
My worst distraction, my “rhythm and blues”__________________________________________________________
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you____________________________________________________

My head’s under water_______________________________________________________________
But I’m breathing fine________________________________________________________________
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind____________________________________________________

‘Cause all of me_________________________________________________________________
Loves all of you_________________________________________________________________
Love your curves and all your edges_________________________________________________
All your perfect imperfections______________________________________________________
Give your all to me_______________________________________________________________
I’ll give my all to you_____________________________________________________________
You’re my end and my beginning____________________________________________________
Even when I lose I’m winning______________________________________________________
‘Cause I give you all of me_________________________________________________________
And you give me all, all of you_____________________________________________________

Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts_______________________________________________________
Risking it all, though it’s hard____________________________________________________________________

‘Cause all of me_________________________________________________________________
Loves all of you_________________________________________________________________
Love your curves and all your edges_________________________________________________
All your perfect imperfections______________________________________________________
Give your all to me_______________________________________________________________
I’ll give my all to you_____________________________________________________________
You’re my end and my beginning____________________________________________________
Even when I lose I’m winning______________________________________________________
‘Cause I give you all of me_________________________________________________________
And you give me all of you_________________________________________________________
I give you all, all of me____________________________________________________________
And you give me all, all of you______________________________________________________

Exercicio 2 - Comprehension

1) Sobre o que fala a música?

2) De que forma se expressa o narrador do texto?

3) Existe relação entre as palavras ou frases que aparecem no clipe com a letra da música? Explique com suas palavras.


Dividir a turma em equipes, distribuir a cada aluno uma tira de papel contendo uma linha da letra da musica. Pedir a todos que leiam suas tiras e fiquem atentos. Toque a música. Ao ouvir sua palavra na música o aluno deverá colocá-la na ordem em que apareça. O grupo que completar corretamente primeiro ganha.

Para próxima aula teremos visitas ilustres.... receberemos a visita de três Tailandesas e uma Belga, os alunos estão super animados...... e eu também!!!
Até a próxima!!! 

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Traduções hilárias

1 – Queijo de minas

2 – Entrada e saída que foram invertidas

3 – Pão resfriado

4 – Está faltando um R

5 – Eles vão pensar que é cupim de verdade

6 – Setor norte foi traduzido como setor sul

7 – Diversos exemplos

8 – Gravatinha para sugar?

9 – Todos estão contra o filé

10 – Vários exemplos

11 – A bebida mate foi traduzida como “kill” (do verbo matar)

12 – Mais exemplos de cardápio

13 – Cuidado que essas cervejas latem

14 – Também estão contra esse filé aqui

15 – Embarque e desembarque com nomes invertidos

16 – Sem comentários

LEITOR COLABORADOR Nicole Hernandez Froio, Paulo Kol

Quiz – Are you too honest?

Gente, encontrei esta atividade fuçando na internet, mas não consigo me lembrar de qual site que era.. assim que eu encontrar novamente eu posto aqui para vocês!!!

Enquanto isso.... vamos lá??

Is your need to tell the truth at any price taking a toll on your relationships?
 Take this quiz and find out!

1. Your boyfriend/girlfriend has just had the head shaved. When he/she asks your opinion, you:
a. Say you love it – you always felt something for bald people.
b. Tell him/her to put a hat on all the time.
c. Explain that you love him/her anyway. He/She will look better as soon as the hair grows again.
2. You’ve met your best friend’s new date. She calls you up the nest day and asks for your opinion. You think he looks like Danny De Vitto. You:
a. Say you didn’t pay much attention to him but you are really glad she’s found someone she likes.
b. Tell her the whole truth and ask: “Where did you find that stuff?”
c. Make her feel good. He’s a lot better than Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.
3. Your boss/teacher gives you all the credit for a project you worked on with a colleague (who did most of the work). You:
a. Tell him/her you don’t deserve it. Your partner is the brain of the group.
b. Thank him/her and let him/her know the job was a group effort.
c. Accept the credits and pray that your colleague doesn’t find it out.
4. Your relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend hasn’t been a “bed of roses” lately. When he/she asks if everything is doing fine, you answer:
a. “Of course, honey. I’m just a little tired.”
b. “Actually, no!” and start listing your complaints.
c. “Well, since you mentioned it, there are some wrong things I’d like to talk about, but I’m sure we can put everything in order.”
5. Your mother keeps trying to find “the perfect person” for you. When she says that Mr. or miss X will be calling, you:
a. Thanks her. “Mom wants the best for me.”
b. Agree to meet but say: “If we don’t get well, no more blind dates, ok?”
c. Say: “Mother, you’re driving me nuts. Won’t you quit?”
6. Your friend is wearing a really weird-looking outfit. He/She asks for your opinion. You:
a. Tell him/her to try something more classic.
b. Tell him/her the seams are about to split. You can’t let him/her wear that in public, can you?
c. Say it’s wonderful! Why hurt his/her feelings?
7. One hour before you meet your friend to go to the movies, a guy/girl who you’ve been interested asks you to go out that night. You call your friend back and cancel. What do you say?
a. “Hey, it’s either a movie with you or a date with a real live girl/guy – you understand.”
b. “I don’t know what happened to me. An hour ago I felt fine but now I have this flu…”
c. “Sorry, but I’m really crazy about this boy/girl. But we may go out whenever you’re free again. You choose the night.”
8. Your aunt gives you an ugly sweater for your birthday. You:
a. Thank her. It was nice of her to think of you.
b. Tell her how much you loved it and then hide it back in your closet.
c. Thank her and ask if she still has the receipt, so you can exchange it for something more fashionable.
9. An ex-boyfriend/girlfriend is back in town and invites you to dinner. Since you are still friends, you’d like to see him/her. You tell your boyfriend/girlfriend that you are:
a. Having dinner with an old passion. Jealousy is sometimes good.
b. Going to that place he/she hates.
c. Having dinner with an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, but you don’t feel that way about him/her anymore.
10. Your new boyfriend/girlfriend wants to know about your ex-dates. You have that huge list of boys/girls you’ve dated. You:
a. Say everything. “You wanted to know, now live with it.”
b. Tell him/her that your hundred ex-dates are not important at all and he/she is the only one you want to be with.
c. Cut down the number, so you’ll look like an angel.
A. Write down your choices in the chart below.




B. Add up your score. Then read your analysis to see how you rate.


21 to 30 points

Merciless mouth

You think that saying whatever you have in mind is the greatest thing to do but start paying extra attention to the consequences of your acts. You may hurt people’s feelings. Just because some of your acquaintances look like the guys from Adam’s family is doesn’t mean that you have to tell them off. Stop telling people about everything in your life. It’s not pleasant, not even polite. People have nothing to do with it. Before doing or saying something, why don’t you try to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes? Now just between us: ‘you are not Mr. Know All, are you?”

11 to 20 points

Word wise

Before giving opinions or answering questions, you take some time to ponder your words and think about people’s feelings and reactions as well. You have a nice way to make things sound less hurtful without being dishonest. You keep your personal life private at work and help your colleagues by listening to their problems without making comparisons. You seem to have learned that business is business and friends are out. Congratulations on that and keep up the tact.“Can you teach us the secret?”

1 to 10 points

Bite your tongue!

You are the kind of person that avoids hard situations just because you are afraid of dealing with them. What do you do, then? You lie in order not to get into trouble or hurt someone’s feelings. What’s up dude?  Are you afraid of making people angry? Are you worried about the way they would treat you? What about yourself? How do you feel when you lie or omit the truth? All you have to do is combine  sensitivity with honesty and you’ll see that the whole thing is not as bad as it seems. And remember that no one likes a liar. “Aren’t you too sweet, sweetie?”